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Essential Oils & Nontoxic Living

In the fall of 2019 I began my journey to a more natural/nontoxic lifestyle. You can read here about my "why" when it came to making this lifestyle choice/decision.


Long story short, I had a major wake up call regarding how toxic many store bought items are for our health, reproductive systems, and bodies. Ladies, I am speaking to you! On average we put 80 toxic chemicals on/in our bodies before we eat breakfast!

Over the past year, I have slowly been learning more about how to naturally fuel and support our bodies through essential oils and items naturally found on this planet. I have a long way to go but love learning something new each day and educating others about simple switches they can make in their everyday routine. 

Feel free to follow along on my health/wellness Instagram page to learn more! Every Friday I will be going live on Instagram at 9 AM to do a fun and easy DIY with essential oils and other Young Living items! Always know you more than welcome to shoot me a message if you have any questions want to learn more! If you are ready to take the first step and sign up with an essential oil starter you can grab yours today! Make sure to let me know because I have some fun goodies I will send your way!

Young Living Dessert Mist Diffuser.JPG
Nontoxic Laundry Essentials
charcoal Bar soap.JPG
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