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10 Simple Essential Oil Roller Recipes to Make

I can officially say I have been using essential oils for 1 full year!! I have loved the past year using Young Living essential oils and have learned A LOT about oils, ingredients found in our everyday store bought items that are harmful to our body, and sooo much more. With that being said I am not an expert when it comes to essential oils and nontoxic living, just someone who is learning more and more each day. If you are new to essential oils and the nontoxic lifestyle I would like to encourage you to check out my previous posts, What are Essential Oils & Nontoxic Living. That will help lay give you a bit of a background/foundation layer as I continue in this post.

Young Living Essential Oil Roller
10 Essential Oil Simple Roller Recipes

When it comes to using essential oils there are 3 ways how to use them; aromatically, topically, and ingesting. Always check your essential oils before ingesting, not all essential oils are safe to ingest. (You can my previous blog post, How to Use Essential Oils, for a more in-depth read). Today I am focusing on topically, did you know that when we apply essential oils to our skin it only takes 22 seconds for oils to take effect on our bodies when applies. Crazy right? Less than 30 seconds and these oils are off to work. One of the most common ways to use oils topically is through making rollers.

A roller is simple, a bottle with a top on it that we roll onto our skin. The BEST part about rollers is that they can be made a million different ways. You can make a roller for stress, blemishes, fingernails, sleep, upset tummy, energy, perfume, grounding, healing cuts, and sooo much more! I promise you can not screw this one up. I can also understand as someone who was new to oils all the options can be a little overwhelming. Don't worry, I am here for you today to get you 10 simple roller recipes to make. Best of all, if you got a Premium Starter Kit from Young Living, those are the only oils you need to make almost all these rollers!

All you will need to make these rollers are a few roller bottles of your choice (you can reuse empty oil bottles, or find some on Etsy or Amazon), fractionated coconut oil (or carrier oil of your choice), and your starter kit/oils of choice! If you are going to make a roller that will be applied to your face, I suggest using jojoba oil, coconut oil can have a tendency to clog our pores, which we don't want. That is all you need to get started! Once you find the recipe you want below, add the need drops of essential oils then fill the rest of the bottle with fractioned coconut oil, pop the top back on your roller and that's it! It's ready for you to use. Below are some of my favorite roller recipes I have made and used for myself or made for friends and family, enjoy! Follow along with me on my Instagram account for more about essential oils and nontoxic living!

Here are a few essential oil rollers you can make with just your Premium Starter Kit from Young Living!
10 Simple Young Living Essential Oil Roller Recipes

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